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I Googled Myself...

This week we were challenged to google ourselves and look at our online profiles from an outside view. So, I did just that.

 I googled first, Maddy McCracken. Apparently, I have my own IMBD account were I stared in the 2012 TV series, "The Creepypasta Episodes". Unfortunately or fortunately, I did not star in this TV show, but this is the first link that comes up. Though, it would be cool to be an actress, but alas, I am not.

Another link that popped up was a Facebook link saying that I was on Facebook. I am indeed on the site, but I have a private account. Even though I have a private account, my photos I am tagged in still show up. They are mostly family photos, old dance recital photos, dog photos and first day of school pictures. There is nothing detrimental on there that super embarrasses me, or would deter me from a job. I do not have anything political on my Facebook, just that I attended an all girls Catholic school. I suppose that could rub someone the wrong way, but otherwise, everything is pretty clean here on my Facebook page.

Next, oh boy, my old Youtube Channel pops up from middle-high school. I could have sworn I privated those videos, but they are still there. They are super embarrassing and I swore way too much in them, so I am going to private them right now. I think they are funny and I do not hate them, but I do not need them to be out there when I am looking for jobs and internships. I do have a second account that is connected to my google account. This shows my likes and favorites that I have saved. Mostly beauty tutorials and some song lyrics, but nothing super invasive.

Another link that pops up is my Instagram page.
I actually really like my Instagram profile. I do alternate keeping it public and private. I have no drinking pictures, no scandalous selfies or extra promiscuous photos on there. Just pictures of me, what I eat, my friends, sorority, boyfriend, family, my dog, and lots of beach pictures. My family follows me on Instagram, so I am careful of what I post on there. I also know that employers look at these profiles, and some may be deterred if I have a drink in my hand, no matter if I am 21. I think my Instagram profile is a good representation of me and shows that I like having responsible fun, traveling and enjoying the company of friends and family. I also talk about my leadership positions on campus and in my sorority, and show support for others.

I do not have a twitter, so no twitter link comes up. My Pinterest comes up, which is full of Alpha Chi Omega and sorority posts for inspiration for T-shirts and what not. It is also full of inspirational posts and quotes. My LinkedIn account also pops up, which I have no problem with being looked at, in fact I want people to look at it and my credentials.

Other things that come up are other Maddys and Maddies and Madeleines. A very good highschool soccer player also comes up with the same name as me. There are also other instagram pages and facebooks with my name, just different username variations. This is not surprising. A sad thing that comes up is the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, a child in Europe who went missing during a family vacation.

If I do a google deep dive, you can find me on old dance competition award lists and my highschool's president honor's roll lists and find me in online school things with my name on it from years ago. The most current things that pop up are my social media platforms.

In all, I am good with my online presence. I know what I should not be posting online. My dad always told me that if I would not want my Grandma seeing it, then I should not have it online. I think about this often, especially when I see other posts by my colleagues that could really ruin a reputation. I will continue to be mindful of what I put on the internet.



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