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Bush and Degenres

Recently a photo has gone viral, a photo of former President George W. Bush and TV Host Ellen Degeneres enjoying a football game together.

At first, people were very angry and upset that the two were together. They have very opposing views, how could they even stand to be in the same room?

Ellen Degeneres and the former president have different political views, one being gay marriage. Ellen Degeneres is an openly gay women who is married, and Bush in 2004 supported the ban of gay marriage, but supports civic unions. Yet, Ellen claims that she is still friends with Bush, despite opposing views. I am sure that is not all that two disagree with.

In a clip from the Ellen Show, Degeneres spoke about her friendship, stating, "just because I don't agree with someone on everything doesn't mean that I'm not going to be friends with them. When I say 'Be kind to one another,' I don't mean only the people that think the same way you do. I mean be kind to everyone. Doesn't matter." The quote went viral, appearing on multiple social media platforms.

Ellen joked about being surrounded by people with different views than hers, noting that she is a Packer's fan.

So, there you have it, you can be friends with people with different opinions than you. Yes, it is true you tend to be friends with people that have the same values, beliefs, and opinions as you do, but you can still be friendly to them. The nation is so divided right now, and if this can serve as an example to be nice to each other, then good.


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