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The World Wide Web - The Foundation


What even is that? What does that mean? Where did it come from? 

These are questions I never thought of concerning the www. that comes before every website I use daily,,,, 

Those three Ws just have always been there for me, there was never a time where the three letters were not essential parts of a website URL. For goodness sake, websites, computers, the internet, email and texting have been there since I had the ability to walk! I never did any research about what the three Ws were until this year when researching for a project.

WWW stands for the World Wide Web, invented by Tim Lee-Berners when he was working for CERN in 1989. CERN was the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland. 

He was born June 8th 1955 in London to two parents who worked on computers. From a young age, he was interested in computers. In the beginning, Lee-Berners had a fascination with trains, and then became interested with the inner workings and electronics of toys. Eventually he went to graduate from Oxford University, where he made a computer from an old TV set. Pretty smart guy. He then went to work for CERN.

Tim Lee Berners saw that all these physicians were not communicating effectively, and he sought to fix that. He came up with this browser of hyper texts database with typed text for the scientists from all around the world to effectively communicate with each other regardless of hardware and software. His program was a success and he decided on August 6th, 1991 to release his browser to the public. He did not have a huge publicist come and take his photo, or broadcast his invention to the world, he simply uploaded a blog, much like this one, stating that the browser is for the public. In 1992, he posted the first image to be put on the internet, a French female rock group.

Google has the blog post archived at it reads as followed: 

"The WWW project merges the techniques of information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system.
The project started with the philosophy that much academic information should be freely available to anyone. It aims to allow information sharing within internationally dispersed teams, and the dissemination of information by support groups."

He did not sell his program, he did not charge users, he simply let it free into the world to use. He was not a greedy man who sought profit, just wanted the world to use his browser to share information and make it all accessible for all. He saw potential and importance in the ability to freely share information to others all over the world, for anyone to be able to access. In the beginning, some universities tried to charge for the use of their domains, and Lee-Berners quickly shut that down. 

Now a days, www is used for everything. Now we have different browsers like Safari for Mac, Chrome, and Firefox. People also have privacy concerns when using the browsers, concerned about their private information being stolen and used. There is a whole bunch of companies like Life Lock, all focused on preventing identity theft online and protecting your accounts like banking. 

The World Wide Web has evolved and is used by billions of people, and without Tim Lee-Berner, we may be paying for this service by someone else who came up with the idea. Luckily for us, Lee-Berner saw value in free sharing of information and ideas, and we can use his World Wide Web to share our ideas for all of humanity to respond on.

A World Wide Web User,


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