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Free Speech on College Campuses

September, 2019 a rock that is been set aside as a "free speech" rock as been scribbled with offensive words, and the Jewish community of the university is not having it.

The rock is an iconic piece of the campus, used to honor a boy who was bullied for his shirt supporting the University of Tennessee and is often drawn on by students and student groups. This time, the rock was painted with "Jews did 9-11 Google: Dancing Isrealis".The Jewish community of the school says this is not the first tine they have been targeted on this campus, stating, We are sick and tired of University of Tennessee constantly doing nothing to address this. This happens time and time again and all the university has said is ‘this is unacceptable.'”

The University Chancellor Donde Plowman wrote: ”…We condemn that hate aimed toward members of our Jewish community, and we understand that words are not enough.”

Now the school has security set up near the rock, but nothing seems to have become of it.

So now what? Can the school press charges on someone if they are caught spray painting anti Semitic messages? Can the Jewish Community at the University of Tennessee sue? Would it be a violation of free speech? 

To my understanding, the University of Tenenesee is public. I am not sure that means much, but the rock is not threatening Jews, so it can not be looked at as a true threat from Subsequent Consequences. 

It is not fighting words and is not incitement. Does it hurt the Jewish Community? Yes. Could it be viewed at slander? Probs not.

It sucks that someone wrote that, but unfortunately it looks like not much can really be done. I have read no updates on the story.

The question always stands around hate speech. What classifies as hate speech and what can really be done about it? Just because something is or is not true about a group, does that make it hateful?

This article was interesting about Lynch Memorial and how students demanded it be taken off because of racial overtones.

Is a person's name count as free speech?

I remember at University of Maryland I saw a guy holding a sign that said, "All of you will go to hell". Yeah, upsetting, but nothing can really be done. Hate speech is protected, but not fighting words, incitement or true threats.

College student,


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